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Welcome to the Dark Knight ARG Wiki
NEWS (May, 2011) |
The TDK sequel The Dark Knight Rises has been given a |
NEWS (October 17, 2010) |
Sugarfiend06 has adapted the wiki to a TDK ARG compilation site |
Special note from thebruce: HUGE thanks to sugarfiend06 and AutoDecept for their awesome |
Beginners Guide
- An introduction to The Dark Knight ARG, the ongoing storyline, and tips on how to get started in the game
- A list of important events that occurred over the course of the ARG
Film references
- A list of ARG elements that are referenced in the film.
- Will contain spoilers!
- The various sites involved in the game
- Thedarkknight.warnerbros.com - The official website for The Dark Knight
- Ibelieveinharveydent.com - Harvey Dent's campaign page
- Takebackgotham.com / Takebackgothamcity.com - Harvey Dent campaign URLs that were considered; now redirects to Ibelieveinharveydent.com
- Gothamcityclerk.com - A website devoted to Gotham's City Clerk and the upcoming elections
- Gothamelectionboard.com - Gotham City's Election Board
- Ccfabg.org - Concerned Citizens for a Better Gotham
- Josephcandoloro.com - Website for the founder of Ccfabg.org
- Trustgarcetti.com - Roger Garcetti's campaign page
- Takebackgotham.com / Takebackgothamcity.com - Harvey Dent campaign URLs that were considered; now redirects to Ibelieveinharveydent.com
- Ibelieveinharveydenttoo.com - The Joker website that started the ARG
- Whysoserious.com
- ComicCon, July 2007 - Joker's scavenger hunt trail during Comic-Con 2007
- Rent-a-clown.com - Final site of the ComicCon trail, now being used to continue the Joker games
- Clowntravelagency.com - Launch pad for the April 1, 2008 event
- Rent-a-clown.com - Final site of the ComicCon trail, now being used to continue the Joker games
- Whysoserious.com: Halloween, Oct 2007 - Halloween site update
- Rorysdeathkiss.com - Joker's site from the Halloween trail, asking for tasks
- humanresources@whysoserious.com
- Personality Profile - Nov 2007, clue found in Thehahahatimes.com
- Mausoleum - Nov 2007, clue given in humanresources@whysoserious.com and found in Whysoserious.com/Personalityprofile
- The Perfect Getaway - Nov 2007, clue given in Thehahahatimes.com
- Out Of Time - Nov 2007 - The solution to "The perfect getaway."
- Step Right Up - Dec 2007 - Countdown to the 'final' clue, given in humanresources@whysoserious.com
- Whysoserious.com/Steprightup/Pairofjokers - Dec 2007 - Reward for the "Step right up" scavenger hunt.
- Itsallpartoftheplan - April 2008 - a 12-city event that led to a showing of a new theatrical trailer
- Sittingducks - "reward" for the online contingent of Whysoserious.com/Itsallpartoftheplan
- Happytrails - "reward" for winning Whysoserious.com/sittingducks, where the second theatrical trailer was released
- Sittingducks - "reward" for the online contingent of Whysoserious.com/Itsallpartoftheplan
- Laughtilithurts - June 2008 - Carnival game
- Laughtilithurts/Static.htm - "reward" for winning Whysoserious.com/Laughtilithurts
- Myhero - June 2008 - prize from the free pizza game: a clip of Harvey Dent as Two-Face
- Redballoons - June 2008 - Balloon carnival game
- Redballoons/Ineptlackeys.htm - reward for winning Whysoserious.com/Redballoons
- Whysoserious.com: Checklist, June/July 2008 - winding things down
- Operator - July 2008 - phone relay game
- Punkdrop - reward for solving Whysoserious.com/Operator
- Stupidbats - reward for winning Whysoserious.com/Punkdrop
- Punkdrop - reward for solving Whysoserious.com/Operator
- Bamboozle - July 2008 - fortune telling machine
- 2l43kjsa892nn2.htm - ticket redemption upon solving Whysoserious.com/Bamboozle
- Overture - countdown from redeeming the correct tickets.
- Kickingandscreening - the "just rewards": free tickets to see The Dark Knight in IMAX three days before its theatrical release
- Overture - countdown from redeeming the correct tickets.
- 2l43kjsa892nn2.htm - ticket redemption upon solving Whysoserious.com/Bamboozle
- Operator - July 2008 - phone relay game
- ComicCon, July 2007 - Joker's scavenger hunt trail during Comic-Con 2007
- Atasteforthetheatrical.com - URL found at the bottom of TDK teaser posters, where the first theatrical trailer was released online.
- Thegothamtimes.com - digital version of The Gotham Times newspaper
- Thegothamtimes.com/media/jlevine/public - where hidden media is often stored
- Thehahahatimes.com - Joker's parody of the newspaper
- Wearetheanswer.org - Harvey Dent's police corruption tip site
- Rememberinggina.org - Website dedicated to Gina, killed in gang violence
- Gothamcab.com - Website for Gotham's cab service
- Bettyshouseofpies.com - Betty's House of Pies
- Gothampolice.com - Gotham Police Department
- SecureInternalDocuments - Gotham Police Department's Secure Internal Documents database
- Webmail.aspx - Glenn Barhyte's email account
- Maroniimports.com - Salvatore Maroni's import company website
- Webmail.aspx - Glenn Barhyte's email account
- Gpdiad.com - Gotham Police Internal Affairs
- Gpdmcu.com - Gotham Police Major Crimes Unit
- Gothamintercontinentalhotel.com - a Gotham hotel and site of the "Operation Slipknot" sting
- SecureInternalDocuments - Gotham Police Department's Secure Internal Documents database
- Gothamcityrail.com - City Rail public transit system
- Gothamnationalbank.com - Gotham National Bank
- Admin - webmail of presumably the GNB bank manager
- Gothamhistorictrust.com - Gotham Historic Trust
- GVAFoundation.org - Gotham Victims Advocate Foundation
- Danaworthington.com - GVAFoundation.org President Dana Worthington's DA election campaign page
- Acmesecuritysystems.com - ACME Security Systems
- Gothamusd.net - Gotham Unified School District
- SaintSwithunsChurch.org - St. Swithuns Catholic Church
- Maidenavenuereport.com - Maiden Avenue Report, a Gotham tabloid publication
- Gcferries.com - Gotham City Dept. of Transportation's ferry line
- Kinslytravel.com - a Gotham travel agency
- Citizensforbatman.org - Batman support website
- CFB Underground - a secret message board unauthorized by CFB where its members discuss becoming vigilantes
- Rossisdelicatessen.com - Rossi's Delicatessen
- Gothamcablenews.com - Gotham City's cable news network
- Gotham Tonight - a subsection of Gothamcablenews.com, featuring video segments of many aspects of Gotham City.
- Pasqualesbistro.com - a Franco-Italian restaurant frequented by Bruce Wayne
- Gotham Tonight - a subsection of Gothamcablenews.com, featuring video segments of many aspects of Gotham City.
- Gothamcitypizzeria.com - Gotham City Pizzeria
Potential Web Sites Parked at GoDaddy:
- Whoisbatman.com - Who is Batman?
- Comcastgotham.com - Comcast Gotham
- Elizabetharkhamasylum.com - Arkham Asylum
- Gothamgirlguides.com - Gotham Girls Guides
- Gothamgoliaths.com - Gotham Goliaths
- Gothamhighschool.com - Gotham High School
- Iceberglounge.com - Iceberg Lounge
- Puritywaterfiltrationsystems.com - Purity Water Filtration Systems
- Wayneanimalsanctuary.com - Wayne Animal Sanctuary
Time Zone Converter
For those who want to know exactly when a game countdown will end in their time zone, here. The games are based on Eastern Standard Time.
Cell Phone List
A list of known Joker cell phone owners
Unaffiliated Websites
- The following websites are confirmed to be fan-made and not part of the official TDK ARG. Those who have interacted with many of these sites through email or downloading the toolbar at http://friendsofharveydent.org/ report no problems, merely an independent unofficial game.
- http://friendsofharveydent.org/
- http://friendsofharveydent.com/
- http://www.thegothampost.com/
- http://www.takebackourcity.com/
- http://waynefoundation.net/
- http://www.gothamcitynews.net/
- http://www.gothamglobe.com/
- The characters involved in the ARG
Important passcodes
- 1-877-530-2227, PIN 6773
- breitupkarl, PIN 21485 (now defunct since the character is dead)
- barhyteglenn, PIN tevredenheid
- barhyteglenn, PIN tevredenheid
- 1866 626-8049, PIN 1149 (Joseph Candoloro's voicemail)
- 1866 580-3840, PIN 9482 (Albert Rossi's voicemail)
- 1866 608-3515, PIN 32976 (Francis Notaro's voicemail)
- 1877 678 7277, PIN verdi (83734)
Replace various file names at the end of the URL.