April 28, 2008
A note from the San Francisco safe at Whysoserious.com/Itsallpartoftheplan led to Whysoserious.com/Sittingducks.
The game
The site is a three-row duck-shooting game where clicking on the passing blue and yellow ducks causes them to fall backwards.
The ducks represent binary code, with blue ducks being 1 and yellow ducks being 0.
The 1st row says:
010101000110111100100000011101110110100101101110001000000111001101101000011011110110111101110100 "To win shoot"
The 2nd row says:
010011110110111001101100011110010010000001110010011011110111011100100000011101000111011101101111 "Only row two"
The 3rd row tells which colored ducks to shoot on row two:
01111001011000100110001001111001011110010111100101111001011000100110001001111001011000100110001001111001 "ybbyyyybbybby"
Completing that pattern stops the game and then a sign pops up, saying "You Win"
The reward
Clicking on the sign leads to Whysoserious.com/Happytrails