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What exactly does the number say about the Liberty Ferry disruption? --AutoDecept 19:11, 12 April 2008 (MST)

No idea, it was temporary and I finally got around to calling the number 1.5 hours after the fact. :P I did ask on SHH and someone said that service was disrupted on Liberty Ferry, and that was it. --Sugarfiend 00:27, 13 April 2008 (PST)

  • Awwww... So, they fixed the problem with the Liberty Ferry disruption in 1 and a half hours? Either Barhyte and Notaro weren't killed or some poor planning by someone at 42. Wouldn't the police have to look for evidence and remove the bodies if they died? And then there's the matter of the blood stains on the floor that would have to be cleaned up... --AutoDecept 07:44, 13 April 2008 (MST)