Wait... if you never got one, and you re enter information, do you change anything else besides email and nickname? -Sunshade 2:32 (PST) March 19
Nevermind, I got mine today, on march 21. It says it was mailed March 19, so that's about 2 days.
I'm getting a message that the page might crash some browsers due to its size. Should we consider breaking it into different pages? --AutoDecept 17:31, 9 April 2008 (MST)
I haven't gotten any messages of that sort, LOL. But yeah, maybe we should. But the bulk of it is campaign stuff, and that's already pretty huge. Aaagh. I also recorded a good part of the press conference today, but the audio cut out for a good 5 seconds before I tried refreshing the page and it came back. I deleted most of the silence before I converted it to .mp3, but yeah. I don't think I missed much. Anyways, I'm sure it'll end up in jlevine's media folder soon enough. We'll just have to find it. *wink* --Sugarfiend06 12:40, 13 April 2008 (PDT)
- If the page has to be broken into two parts because of its size, I think it should be pre 3/26/08 and post 3/26/08. --AutoDecept 14:41, 15 April 2008 (MST)
Nah, probably right after the Joker phones were renewed on January 29th would be a better place to split the site. --Good evening 18:28, 15 April 2008 (EST)
Hey, what's the deal with Two Face? I've heard that 1) Aaron Eckhart has said that both Dent and Two Face appear in the movie, and then 2) the Joker turns Dent into Two Face in the 3rd movie. (I'm not spoiling anything, right?) But anyone know? There's been a ton of fake pix going around online of Eckhardt as Two Face, and I've seen some that say they were released from "Warner Bros" which is probably a scam. Anyone? --Good evening 16:43 29 April, 2008 (EST)
- Eckhart himself has confirmed that Dent becomes Two-Face in The Dark Knight. And as far as I know, there are no official pics of Two-Face. --AutoDecept 15:04, 29 April 2008 (MST)
- Ok, thanks. --Good evening 21:03 29 April, 2008 (EST)
- The third trailer has a shot of Harvey Dent with the left side of his face away from camera (the bit where he's in the car, holding the gun), but you can see he's scarred. It's impossible to tell on the bootleg, but it's really obvious on the big screen. --Sugarfiend06 18:08 29 April, 2008 (PDT)