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                        "*": "==The site==\n[[]] is a memorial site for [[Gina Tortericci]], who was murdered in the crossfire of gang violence. The webpage was set up by her father, John. He names the two police officers ([[Jason McCree]] and [[Karl Breitup]]) mentioned in [[Gang War Claims Girl|The Gotham Times]] as having fled the scene of the violence and leaving Gina to die.\n\n[[Image:Rememberinggina.jpg|500px|center]]\n\n\n\n{| class=\"quote\"\n|\nThis page is created in honor of Gina Tortericci, so that her friends and family may remember her in life.\nGina Tortericci was a great daughter, a great friend and a great student.\n|}\n\n===John Tortericci's letter===\n{| class=\"quote\"\n|\nAn Open Letter from John Tortericci:\n----------------------------------\nThis is for everyone who, like me, trusted other people, your community, your city, your blood. I knew what people said about Sal Maroni. I didn\u2019t have any truck with that. I was a clean, upstanding guy, and I figured, as long as I kept my nose clean, what the Maroni\u2019s of this world did was their own business. But I was wrong and Gina is dead because of it. I don\u2019t even blame those two cops, the ones who were supposed to be on patrol that night. Karl Breitup and Jason McCree. They\u2019re just doing what I did, looking the other way. The problem is, we count on civilization to protect us. To protect our family. To protect our children. We count on the lights staying on and the water being safe and not having some fear toxin in it. \n\nWe count on the cops to protect us. Maybe, when I was a kid, this city was like that, but it\u2019s not anymore.\n|}\n\n\n===Messages from friends===\n\n{| class=\"quote\"\n|\nGina,\n\nI am so greatful that I met you in Boyum's homeroom. Everytime I ran into a crisis (and you know who I'm talking about!!!) I remember your hugs and the way you would tell me to \"Grow up, girl!\" We had amazing convos, amazing mac and cheese, amazing sleepovers! You were beautiful and you loved everybody that came your way. I love you Gina!!! We will see each other in a flash, so have fun without me (it's possible, you know!) for a little while.\n\nLOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE\n\nAmi\n\n---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nGina,\n\nI can't believe you're gone. Thank you for being you Gina. I didn't know you a lot but when we met at school you were always so fun and nice. I didn't know you for long but you were one of the few people who remembered my name. RIP Gina we miss you\n\nArden\n\n---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nGina,\n\nI love you and miss you more than anything in the world. You are my lil sister and you will always be in my heart. It still hasn't sunk in that you're gone. Mom hasn\u2019t touched your room and I'm not gonna ever let her. It will be waiting for you if you ever decide to visit us. :) And don't worry about George the Bunny, he misses you, but I will take care of him. I know we fought sometimes but I always loved you and I know you loved me. There were so many people at your funeral, Gina, it was like the whole world came out and remembered you. You obviously affected a lot of people just by bein you. I LOVE YOU SIS\n\nLisa\n\n---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nI CANT BELIEVE YOU'RE GONE! I WOULD KILL THOSE GUYS WHO KILLED YOU LIKE I BEAT UP THAT ONE GUY FOR YOU ONCE! I LOVE YOU I CANT STOP THINKING ABOUT YOU. YOU WERE THE ONE I STILL CANT BELIEVE IT RIP GINA I LOVE YOU.\n\nSean\n\n---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nYesterday I went to the roof that we used to hang out on, with the view of the river and the weird Japanese woman cookin those weird herbs. I laid down and looked at the clouds like we used to and I had a conversation with you. You told me that things were good where you were. That you loved your life and the only thing you regret is not saying goodbye to everyone. I wanted to stay longer and talk to you but, it was getting too cold. So I left, but then I bought a flower and brought it to you today. I hope you\u2019re still doing good up therel I miss you so much BFF GINA\n\nJocelyn\n\n---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nGina I miss you; Jerry Misses You; Everyone Misses You.\n\nDavid\n\n\\n\n\nIn lieu of flowers, the family requests that contributions be made to the [[|Gotham Victims Advocate Foundation.]]\n|}\n\n==Contact==\nSending an email to <b></b> responds with the following:\n\n{| class=\"quote\"\n|\nI'm Gina's Aunt Gail and I'm maintaining this website for my sister, Gina's mother.  Thank you for your remembrance of Gina.  So many people have moved away from the old neighborhood that it's easy to forget how many people are still here.  When we first moved here, I can remember we used to all sit on the stoops and the whole neighborhood knew each other.  But that was before the Stratalinni's Grocery on the corner was burned down--I remember Gina and her sister used to beg for quarters to go down there and buy candy. \n\nIt was a different place then.  Now I know my son will never allow my new grandson to go down to the avenue on his own.  Everybody is locked up tight in the evening, we don't see each other.  It takes a tragedy to remember we have neighbors.\n\nThank you for reminding us.\n|}\n\n==Changes==\n===December 2===\n\nAn update was added to the memorial page:\n\n{| class=\"quote\"\n|\nIn addition to the private service recently held for friends and family, a Funeral Mass and Memorial Service will be held for the public at St. Swithun\u2019s on Monday at 2:00 pm. Thank you, everyone, for your incredible outpouring of support. \n|}\n\nThis message leads to another viral site at [[]]\n\n===December 4===\n\nAnother update:\n\n{| class=\"quote\"\n|\nDec. 4th - I would like to extend a sincere thank-you to everyone who came to say goodbye to our Gina at yesterday\u2019s service. I really shouldn't be surprised over how many people made it to the memorial service. I should tell you that Gail made so many cookies I was worried I would be eating cookies for every meal through the New Year. And yet all of the cookies were gone by the time we all left, because that's how many people showed up.\n\nThey say the worst thing for a parent to endure is having their child die before them. It is not enough that Gina died and a piece of my heart is missing forever. It is the reminder every morning when we wake up and face a city that has not healed, that continues to stare me in the face, that leaves me wishing I could do more to honor my baby girl's life, to make her time here on Earth mean something. I struggle every day with this desire. I hope at least Gina has found her peace. Thank you.\n|}\n\n===December 9 ===\n\nA new story about is added at the bottom of the page:\n\n{| class=\"quote\"\n|\nThis is so unbelievable. How do I even begin to come up with the words in a moment like this?\nWhat can I say?\nThen it occurs to me, what would my Gina say to me?\n\"Gotham Senior High rules!?\"\nHa! I don't think we ever said that!!\nSince first period, of the very first day of 9th grade, we were like brother and sister when we sat next to each other in Mr.Surrell's \"creative writing\" class.\nMan, he was such a hack!\nI remember during the summer of our sophomore year, I couldn't stand it when you nicknamed me \"Piggy\", simply because I ate an entire pizza at Kubbi's HalloweeN party!\nBut, once again, you made it virtually impossible for me to even think of being mad at you because your costume that night was so adorable! You were my \"Bunny\"!\nEveryone at school began calling us \"Bunny & Piggy\" after that!\nIn writing this, I just realized, I mean REALLY realized, I'll never hear you call me \"Piggy\" again. Wow.\nYou know G, I'll always remember you, going above and beyond (\"Gizzay Tizzay style\"), tutoring me in history with those ridiculous assignments from Ms.Arora and then looking forward to sitting next to you, after lunch, in Mr.Vincent's music appreciation class.\nWho even knew half of those bands he liked! What a weirdo!\nAll of this unbearable sadness, what has happened to you, what is still happening to our city and then reading what your father, John, has written in regards to your passing, is consuming me with such heartbreaking grief. He loved you so did everyone who was fortunate enough to encounter you my sweet GT.\nYou will be missed, remembered, loved always and never forgotten, my \"Bunny\".\n\nKevin V./\"Piggy\" \n|}\n\n===July 10===\nAfter the end of the countdown on [[]], was \"Jokerized.\"\n\n[[Image:Jokerizedgina.jpg|500px|center]]\n\n{| class=\"nav\"\n|\n[[]] -- [ (direct link)]\n|}"
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                        "*": "<digg/>\n==May 30, 2007==\n\nAfter [[]] was shut down, it redirected to [[]], a fictional entertainment company. The employee pictures are actually pictures of the [[]] participants in Joker makeup. Letters and balls flash, and a cheery circus MIDI plays in the background. \n\n===Clowns for rent===\n\n{| class=\"quote\"\n|Bits-and-pieces Floyd \n\nBowlegs Mick \n\nLumps Sylvester \n\nWith an axe Hank \n\nWimpy Jed \n\nPopular Tommy \n\nHeadfirst Bill \n\nMumps Lloyd \n\nGiggles Bill \n\nTerrible Ronald \n\nPopular Butch \n\nTerrible George \n\nMixed-up Bill \n\nEasybleeder Earl \n\nInside-out Hank \n\nJaunty Earl \n\nCheerful Humphrey \n\nLumps Donny \n\nOutlaw Butch \n\nSloppy Teddy \n|Fishknife Freddy \n\nHorizontal Teddy \n\nRabid Hank \n\nShingles Leonard \n\nBlinks Ronald \n\nFootloose Donny \n\nItchy Leonard \n\nLumps Bill \n\nRightsideup Bill \n\nWith an axe Butch \n\nEasybleeder Klyde \n\nInside-out Lou \n\nBlinks Lou \n\nBits-and-pieces Klyde \n\nWimpy Leonard \n\nKerosone Sylvester \n\nItchy Mick \n\nShingles Sylvester \n\nQuarantine Humphrey \n\nPeeler Frankie \n|Outlaw Earl \n\nItchy Lloyd \n\nTickles Carl \n\nHorizontal Mick \n\nWith an axe Jed \n\nWhackjob Frankie \n\nShortstack Hank \n\nShingles Carl \n\nKerosone Butch \n\nFishknife Sylvester \n\nSinful Floyd \n\nDeep six Humphrey \n\nWith an axe Leonard \n\nChipper Bill \n\nRightsideup Lou \n\nChuckles Frankie \n\nWith an axe Freddy \n\nKerosone Butch \n\nCrooked Floyd \n\nPopular Frankie \n|\nDeep six Boris \n\nJaunty Mick \n\nHorizontal Johnny \n\nJaunty Oswald \n\nRight-angle Mick \n\nShortstack Carl \n\nSloppy Tommy \n\nGiggles Floyd \n\nSerial Jed \n\nSloppy Earl \n\nRightsideup Lloyd \n\nPopular Humphrey \n\nHeadfirst Tommy \n\nSawed-off Johnny \n\nGutshot Leonard \n\nTerrible Klyde \n\nChipper Mick \n\nTerrible Floyd \n\nTwitches Klyde \n\nScabs Teddy \n|\nWith an axe Sid \n\nKerosone George \n\nDeadly Bill \n\nBlack-and-blue Jed \n\nTerrible Hank \n\nBlack-and-blue Teddy \n\nInside-out Lloyd \n\nHeadfirst George \n\nWith an axe Sid \n\nPopular Donny \n\nWhackjob Boris \n\nPeepers Bill \n\nSerial Bill \n\nItchy Bill \n\nShortstack Mick \n\nBits-and-pieces Lou \n\nLumps Floyd \n\nBlinks Sylvester \n\nRightsideup Lloyd \n\nRightsideup Humphrey\n|\nChuckles Klyde \n\nEasybleeder Bill \n\nPeepers Teddy \n\nCinders Teddy \n\nRansack Lloyd \n\nGutshot Floyd \n\nPopular Boris \n\nBits-and-pieces Leonard \n\nCheerful Earl \n\nFootloose George \n\nJumpy Sylvester \n\nWimpy Lloyd \n\nWhackjob Leonard \n\nDeadly Sylvester \n\nWhackjob Ronald \n\nChuckles Humphrey \n\nSawed-off Freddy \n\nOutlaw Oswald \n\nPopular Frankie \n\nHeadfirst Lloyd\n|\nDeep six Frankie \n\nCinders Sylvester \n\nScabs Johnny \n\nBowlegs Hank \n\nTerrible Ronald \n\nHorizontal Carl \n\nChuckles Earl \n\nScabs Johnny \n\nQuarantine Humphrey \n\nChuckles Humphrey \n\nKerosone Earl \n\nWith an axe Hank \n\nQuarantine Mick \n\nTwitches Butch \n\nItchy Earl \n\nDeadly Donny \n\nQuarantine Tommy \n\nChuckles Tommy \n\nKerosone Butch\n|}\n\n===Hidden message===\nLike [[]] after it shut down, there are hidden \"ha ha ha\"s and and stray letters, this time in the site's source code. After removing all the \"HA\"'s from the commented HTML code, the hidden message appears:\n\n{|class=\"quote\"\n|\nmade you look\n|}\n\n\n[[Image:Rentaclown.jpg|500px|center]]\n\n\n[[Image:Rentaclownsource.gif|700px|center]]\n\n\n==March 26, 2008==\nRecruitment text message duties are apparently transferred from [[]] to '''''' [[|Participants with cell phones]] receive the following message:\n\n{| class=\"quote\"\n| Hey clown! Long time, no crime spree! Well, put on your floppy shoes and answer this question: are you ready to get to work? (ReplyY/N)\n|}\n\nReplying resulted in this message, suggesting a new game before April Fool's:\n\n{| class=\"quote\"\n|Glad to see you\u2019re still alive and kicking. I\u2019ll be in touch before Poisson d\u2019Avril.\n|}\n\nFor the other phone-owners who did not manage to reply in time, the following was sent:\n\n{| class=\"quote\"\n|Sorry you were a little slow on the draw this time around, clown. But don't worry, the circus ain't over...\n|}\n\n==March 30, 2008==\n[[|Participants]] are called on their phones by a live person and informed that they are one out of 17 recruits who replied to the text message on March 26. They are then given a letter and then told to share their letter with other \"accomplices\". If a cell phone owner is unable to be contacted, their letter is given to a participant who was already called.\n\n{| class=\"quote\"\n|\"You ready for a job, clown? The boss wants me to start you off easy. I'm going to give you a secret letter.\"\n|}\n\n\nThe list of letters is as follows, as compiled by participants who have shared their letters on [ SHH!]. \n\n*'''The Schlone:''' \"W\"\n\n*'''Xnbomb, Gupfee & Giskard:''' \"E\" as in \"Elephant\"\n\n*'''bassboy616 & Mr.Walken:''' \"Y\" as in \"Yo-Yo\"\n\n*'''punk:''' \"R\" as in \"Ransom\"\n\n*'''Pennyworth:''' \"V\" as in \"Victim\"\n\n*'''ianskyvox:''' \"T\" as in \"Thief\" (repeated), \"O\" as in \"Operator\" ''(original recipient of letter did not respond to calls)''\n\n*'''BriGonJinn/GQJoker:''' \"A\" as in \"Assault\"\n\n*'''BigTonyVegas:''' \"N\" as in \"Narcotics\"\n\n*'''EddieNashton:''' \"C\" as in \"Clown\"\n\n*'''Screwpa!:''' \"A\" as in \"Action\"\n\n*'''vlkers54:''' \"L\" as in \"Laugh\"\n\n*'''fceeviper:''' \"G\" as in \"Gun\"\n\n*'''FlyingMonkey:''' \"C\" as in \"Clown\"\n\n*'''Gerik:''' \"E\" as in \"Elephant\"\n\n*'''Matt100:''' \"L\" as in \"Laundry\"\n\n*'''Fishtankbb:''' \"N\" as in \"Network\" ''(note: user was not able to report his letter until a day later, but the puzzle was solved by deducing the \"N.\")''\n\nA text message was also sent containing 6 extra letters:\n\n{| class=\"quote\"\n|\nYou're paying attention bozos. Here's a few bookend letters to add to your 17 to make the destination clearer: wcwowm\n|}\n\n\nThis led to '''[[|]]. '''\n\n{|class=\"nav\"\n|\n([[]]) -- '''[ direct link]'''\n|}"